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SD-JWT Implementation in ACA-Py

This document describes the implementation of SD-JWTs in ACA-Py according to the Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT) Specification, which defines a mechanism for selective disclosure of individual elements of a JSON object used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature structure.

This implementation adds an important privacy-preserving feature to JWTs, since the receiver of an unencrypted JWT can view all claims within. This feature allows the holder to present only a relevant subset of the claims for a given presentation. The issuer includes plaintext claims, called disclosures, outside of the JWT. Each disclosure corresponds to a hidden claim within the JWT. When a holder prepares a presentation, they include along with the JWT only the disclosures corresponding to the claims they wish to reveal. The verifier verifies that the disclosures in fact correspond to claim values within the issuer-signed JWT. The verifier cannot view the claim values not disclosed by the holder.

In addition, this implementation includes an optional mechanism for key binding, which is the concept of binding an SD-JWT to a holder's public key and requiring that the holder prove possession of the corresponding private key when presenting the SD-JWT.

Issuer Instructions

The issuer determines which claims in an SD-JWT can be selectively disclosable. In this implementation, all claims at all levels of the JSON structure are by default selectively disclosable. If the issuer wishes for certain claims to always be visible, they can indicate which claims should not be selectively disclosable, as described below. Essential verification data such as iss, iat, exp, and cnf are always visible.

The issuer creates a list of JSON paths for the claims that will not be selectively disclosable. Here is an example payload:

    "birthdate": "1940-01-01",
    "address": {
        "street_address": "123 Main St",
        "locality": "Anytown",
        "region": "Anystate",
        "country": "US",
    "nationalities": ["US", "DE", "SA"],

Attribute to access JSON path
"birthdate" "birthdate"
The country attribute within the address dictionary ""
The second item in the nationalities list "nationalities[1]
All items in the nationalities list "nationalities[0:2]"

The specification defines options for how the issuer can handle nested structures with respect to selective disclosability. As mentioned, all claims at all levels of the JSON structure are by default selectively disclosable.

Option 1: Flat SD-JWT

The issuer can decide to treat the address claim in the above example payload as a block that can either be disclosed completely or not at all.

The issuer lists out all the claims inside "address" in the non_sd_list, but not address itself:

non_sd_list = [

Option 2: Structured SD-JWT

The issuer may instead decide to make the address claim contents selectively disclosable individually.

The issuer lists only "address" in the non_sd_list.

non_sd_list = ["address"]

Option 3: SD-JWT with Recursive Disclosures

The issuer may also decide to make the address claim contents selectively disclosable recursively, i.e., the address claim is made selectively disclosable as well as its sub-claims.

The issuer lists neither address nor the subclaims of address in the non_sd_list, leaving all with their default selective disclosability. If all claims can be selectively disclosable, the non_sd_list need not be defined explicitly.

Walk-Through of SD-JWT Implementation

Signing SD-JWTs

Example input to /wallet/sd-jwt/sign endpoint:

  "did": "WpVJtxKVwGQdRpQP8iwJZy",
  "headers": {},
  "payload": {
    "sub": "user_42",
    "given_name": "John",
    "family_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "+1-202-555-0101",
    "phone_number_verified": true,
    "address": {
      "street_address": "123 Main St",
      "locality": "Anytown",
      "region": "Anystate",
      "country": "US"
    "birthdate": "1940-01-01",
    "updated_at": 1570000000,
    "nationalities": ["US", "DE", "SA"],
    "iss": "",
    "iat": 1683000000,
    "exp": 1883000000
  "non_sd_list": [



The sd_jwt_sign() method: - Creates the list of claims that are selectively disclosable - Uses the non_sd_list compared against the list of JSON paths for all claims to create the list of JSON paths for selectively disclosable claims - Separates list splices if necessary - Sorts the sd_list so that the claims deepest in the structure are handled first - Since we will wrap the selectively disclosable claim keys, the JSON paths for nested structures do not work properly when the claim key is wrapped in an object - Uses the JSON paths in the sd_list to find each selectively disclosable claim and wrap it in the SDObj defined by the sd-jwt Python library and removes/replaces the original entry - For list items, the element itself is wrapped - For other objects, the dictionary key is wrapped - With this modified payload, the SDJWTIssuerACAPy.issue() method: - Checks if there are selectively disclosable claims at any level in the payload - Assembles the SD-JWT payload and creates the disclosures - Calls SDJWTIssuerACAPy._create_signed_jws(), which is redefined in order to use the ACA-Py jwt_sign method and which creates the JWT - Combines and returns the signed JWT with its disclosures and option key binding JWT, as indicated in the specification

Verifying SD-JWTs

Example input to /wallet/sd-jwt/verify endpoint:

Using the output from the /wallet/sd-jwt/sign example above, we have decided to only reveal two of the selectively disclosable claims (user and updated_at) and achieved this by only including the disclosures for those claims. We have also included a key binding JWT following the disclosures.

  "sd_jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIiwgImFsZyI6ICJFZERTQSIsICJraWQiOiAiZGlkOnNvdjpXcFZKdHhLVndHUWRScFFQOGl3Slp5I2tleS0xIn0.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.cIsuGTIPfpRs_Z49nZcn7L6NUgxQumMGQpu8K6rBtv-YRiFyySUgthQI8KZe1xKyn5Wc8zJnRcWbFki2Vzw6Cw~WyJ4dkRYMDBmalpmZXJpTmlQb2Q1MXFRIiwgInVwZGF0ZWRfYXQiLCAxNTcwMDAwMDAwXQ~WyJYOTlzM19MaXhCY29yX2hudFJFWmNnIiwgInN1YiIsICJ1c2VyXzQyIl0~eyJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCIsICJraWQiOiAiZGlkOnNvdjpXcFZKdHhLVndHUWRScFFQOGl3Slp5I2tleS0xIn0.eyJub25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgImF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3ZlcmlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE2ODgxNjA0ODN9.i55VeR7bNt7T8HWJcfj6jSLH3Q7vFk8N0t7Tb5FZHKmiHyLrg0IPAuK5uKr3_4SkjuGt1_iNl8Wr3atWBtXMDA"


Note that attributes in the non_sd_list (given_name, family_name, and nationalities), as well as essential verification data (iss, iat, exp) are visible directly within the payload. The disclosures include only the values for the user and updated_at claims, since those are the only selectively disclosable claims that the holder presented. The corresponding hashes for those disclosures appear in the payload["_sd"] list.

  "headers": {
    "typ": "JWT",
    "alg": "EdDSA",
    "kid": "did:sov:WpVJtxKVwGQdRpQP8iwJZy#key-1"
  "payload": {
    "_sd": [
    "given_name": "John",
    "family_name": "Doe",
    "nationalities": [
        "...": "OuMppHic12J63Y0Hca_wPUx2BLgTAWYB2iuzLcyoqNI"
        "...": "R1s9ZSsXyUtOd287Dc-CMV20GoDAwYEGWw8fEJwPM20"
        "...": "wIIn7aBSCVAYqAuFK76jkkqcTaoov3qHJo59Z7JXzgQ"
    "iss": "",
    "iat": 1683000000,
    "exp": 1883000000,
    "_sd_alg": "sha-256"
  "valid": true,
  "kid": "did:sov:WpVJtxKVwGQdRpQP8iwJZy#key-1",
  "disclosures": [

The sd_jwt_verify() method: - Parses the SD-JWT presentation into its component parts: JWT, disclosures, and optional key binding - The JWT payload is parsed from its headers and signature - Creates a list of plaintext disclosures - Calls SDJWTVerifierACAPy._verify_sd_jwt, which is redefined in order to use the ACA-Py jwt_verify method, and which returns the verified JWT - If key binding is used, the key binding JWT is verified and checked against the expected audience and nonce values